Thursday, September 13, 2012

Spiderman Vs. Kippaman

From the Times of Israel:

Marvel’s Spidey sense for copyright violations has stretched all the way to Jerusalem to ensnare a popular kippa maker in its web of lawsuits.
The comics publisher swung into action recently over the sale of products, notably skullcaps, featuring Spider-Man.
The company is suing the well-known Kippa Man shop for NIS 100,000 ($25,274) in damages because it sells a range of kippas featuring the red and blue superhero’s costume design and image, Maariv reported on Thursday.

A kippa is perhaps the most obvious sign of religious affiliation. As such one wonders how all those little boys (and hip American men) walking around with their Spiderman Kippot are now feeling, discovering that their head is adorned with an ongoing copyright violation?

Given how widespread copyright violations are in Israel, I'm intrigued by why Marvel chose the tiny little store "Kippa Man" as their target.Though undoubtedly the best Kippah shop in Jerusalem (Full disclosure: I'm writing this with a "Kippa Man" Kippa on my head, though sadly without any superhero decoration) "Kippa Man" is two tiny stores that are little more than holes in the wall.

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